RGB CABLE LIGHT UP CLOTHES for Burning Man 2016 + Halloween costume + just looking awesome in general!
To make this costume I bought some supplies listed below, picked out an outfit that needed some led lights all over it, and learned about LED lights!
Buy some combination of these supplies!
LED Lights Battery Powered (Multi color LED’s but less of them): http://amzn.to/2bmxOqU
LED Lights Battery Powered (More single color LEDs): http://amzn.to/2bMQVJ3
LED Lights USB Powered: http://amzn.to/2bqkk7l
LED Shoes (rechargable): http://amzn.to/2bMRDWE
LED Wire Lights (battery powered) (blinking on his hat): http://amzn.to/2bGwJd1
Other supplies you may need:
Safety pins, hot glue gun (on my hat)
LED connectors (http://amzn.to/2bWAcjG)
USB slitter (http://amzn.to/2bGG6od)
AA batteries (http://amzn.to/2bTPiXu)
LED Lights:
LED lights are amazing! they come with controllers and allow you to change the color, blinking patterns, speed, and have some very cool effects. For the last few years there have been very cool LED lights coming out but most required you to plug them into a wall or buy complicated adapters to power them. This year many lower cost options are coming out which are much easier. You just plug them into a portable USB power source or they come with a battery box. Both of which makes using LED lights easy for everyone to use!
Power Options:
If you buy USB LED lights you’ll need a power powerbank (http://amzn.to/2bTOIc1) look at capacity and weight and number of usb ports to make your decision. Also you can buy a cheep 1 to usb slitter (http://amzn.to/2bGG6od) to add more cables!
If you buy battery powered LED lights you’ll need lots of AA batteries (http://amzn.to/2bTPiXu)
The Hat:
I picked a hat that was hard so it was easy to stick the LED cable to the hat (the led cables come with a sticky back) I then added some super glue to make sure it stayed on there for good. I put the battery box inside the hat so that it’s hidden and tapped that on so I could remove it to change the batteries when needed. For the other hat we just used some wire led lights (they blink different colors and are very cool. These are the same lights we used on the GIANT Minion and alien spaceship I made! LED Wire lights (http://amzn.to/2bGwJd1)
The Pants:
I used 4 led cables for the pants. I found that it was easier to do this with the pants on (Don’t poke yourself!). Using safety pins I very carefully pined the cables to the pants (making sure to have enough slack so I could move around in them. for the end of the cable I put a safety pin through cable to keep it there. However for the rest of the LED cable actually goes through the safety pin (this way you don’t damage the cable, and you can slide it around a little when needed. See the video where I zoom in showing me putting safety pins on.
The Jacket:
For the Jacket I followed the seams of the jacket and did this with the jacket on the floor. The hardest part was making sure to leave room for the cable to bend. You don’t want to bend the cable to sharply. Also, make sure you leave enough slack for the wires and battery or power boxes to be in your pockets.
The Shoes:
I bought some very cool shoes for $20-$30 which was amazing! they have LED lights (rgb cables) in them and have a little button on the side which lets you select which mode you want to use. Also there are lots of different options: check it out: LED Shoes (rechargable): http://amzn.to/2bMRDWE make sure you check the shipping date as there are a few that ship from the US and others which ship from China and take several weeks.
Other helpful hints:
You might want to reinforce your wires (put some extra tape around them) to make them stronger. This seems to be the weakest point of the LED lights as I did have one shipped to me that wasn’t working correctly. So make sure to treat them nicely and buy quality LED lights.
Other cool things you can do!
You can actually connect multiple LED cables with LED connectors (http://amzn.to/2bWAcjG) which will allow you to run multiple cables off of one power box! If your going to do this make sure you get the right connector for the right type of cable (eg. 5050 or 3528) (8mm or 10mm) etc. This makes the possibilities endless!!! There are so many things I want to do when I get back from Burning man. LED light up clothes are AWESOME!
Great post thanks for sharing such great information: